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Definitions and assumptions for our estimated embodied C02 reporting
Definitions and assumptions for our estimated embodied C02 reporting

How to interpret the estimated embodied carbon report

Keller Knoll avatar
Written by Keller Knoll
Updated over a month ago

Learn more about the definitions and assumptions referenced in our carbon reporting.


Embodied carbon

As defined by our partner, WAP Sustainability Consulting, embodied carbon refers to the greenhouse gas emissions associated with raw material sourcing, supplier processing, and manufacturing.

Embodied carbon emission factors

As indicated by the Environmental Protection Agency, emission factors essentially represent the quantity of emissions released with the activity attributed to the release of emissions (Source: EPA). Rheaply has integrated embodied carbon emission factors as derived from our partnership with WAP Sustainability Consulting. These factors represent the quantity of the emissions released from raw material sourcing, supplier processing, and manufacturing of items.

Carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e)

According to the EPA, this measure is “the number of kg of carbon dioxide emissions with the same global warming potential as one kg of another greenhouse gas” (Source: EPA).

Global warming potential (GWP)

According to the EPA, the global warming potential of a greenhouse gas is the quantification of “how much energy the emissions of 1 ton of the gas will absorb over a given period of time, relative to the emissions of 1 ton of carbon dioxide” (Source: EPA).

Greenhouse gas

Refers to any gas that has the chemical properties to retain heat and reflect that energy toward the Earth’s surface, contributing to the greenhouse effect and climate change (Source: EPA).

Report assumptions

  • Estimated embodied carbon avoided are emissions displaced from preventing new item purchases.

  • Our external data partner, WAP Sustainability Consulting, determines embodied carbon factors.

  • Rheaply allocates embodied carbon factors to standard available item categories based upon the representative products WAP established as life cycle assessment practitioners.

  • Life cycle assessments estimate the embodied carbon emissions associated with a product as those emissions have been produced.

  • The scope of these assessments is from A1-A3 lifecycle stages of a product as defined under ISO 21930 with influence from ISO 14040/14044.

  • Downstream emissions associated with transportation and distribution phases have not been factored in.

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