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Using the Product Library

Learn more about our new beta feature to help you create listings faster.

Samantha Schurr avatar
Written by Samantha Schurr
Updated over a week ago

Learn all about how you can use Rheaply’s product library to help you fill out that create listing form faster.

Note: This feature is in beta and may not be available to you or your organization at this time. If you have questions, contact your admin or

This article is helpful if:

  • Your organization has access to the Product Library – talk to your admin or Customer Success Manager to discuss turning it on.

  • You create listings on the platform.

Where is it done?

How does the product library work?

Using the product library is simple:

  • Click the product library search button at the top of the create a listing form.

  • Search for your product by text or image – try to include the manufacturer and model.

  • Select your product and click Apply.

  • Once you do the above, the relevant fields from the product library should be automatically applied to your new listing. Fields like Title, Image, Manufacturer etc. will now be filled in, and you don’t have to fill them out!

How is the product library populated and verified?

We utilize customer data to populate the product library. We’re continuously looking at different ways to populate the library, so our sources might change over time.

We manually verify the products that end up in the product library to ensure they have enough relevant, high-quality data for users to leverage.

What sorts of products are in the product library?

Right now, our product library primarily includes office furniture, specifically desks and chairs. As mentioned above, we’re always looking to expand, so stay tuned for updates!

Can I add things to the product library?

Not at the moment! We’re exploring additional types of product libraries, such as searching amongst your own products. Right now, the only process for the product library is Rheaply review and verification for the global product library we have.

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