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Cancel an order

How to cancel an order step-by-step

Samantha Schurr avatar
Written by Samantha Schurr
Updated over a year ago

Buyers or Sellers are able to cancel an order while it is active. Canceling an order will refill listing quantity to the original listing and let either party know that the items should be returned and any associated payment must be refunded. Currently, refunds and returns are coordinated via the Rheaply customer success team (


  • Order status must be in one of the following: Active, Active - Unpaid, Active - Paid, Active - Delivered.

  • Completed orders cannot be canceled.

This article is helpful if:

  • You are claiming something on the platform

  • You are posting something on the platform

Where is it done?

  • When viewing an order


  1. To find your orders:

    1. For an order you submitted as a buyer/recipient: click on Buying/Receiving on the sidebar, then choose Orders.

    2. For an order you received as a seller: click on Selling on the sidebar, then choose Orders.

  2. Click View order next to the order you want to cancel.

  3. When viewing an order, at bottom right side of the page, click Cancel order.

A confirmation window will appear detailing what will happen. Click Yes to cancel the order. Email if you need assistance with a refund or return.

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