All Collections
Shopping for reused items
Search and browse for reused items on Rheaply.
Search & Browse
Learn how to search and filter for the items you need.
Select interests for your feedSelect interests to make your feed tailored to your needs
Set your locationHow to set your location to show nearby listings
Make offers for items you want.
Make an offer on a listingHow to make a request for an item you want.
Orders & Logistics
Track and manage your exchanges.
Create or cancel ordersHow to create an order, accept an offer, or cancel an order.
Mark an order deliveredHow to mark your order delivered after making your exchange
Mark an order receivedHow to close out an order after you receive it by marking it complete
Cancel an orderHow to cancel an order step-by-step
Pay for an orderHow to pay for an order on Rheaply
Plan and collaborate on reuse projects with your team.
ProjectsCollaborate and plan your reuse projects.
Add a hold or order to a projectHow to retroactively add a hold or order to a project on Rheaply.